Contributor II
since ‎12-03-2021

User Statistics

  • 82 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 59 Kudos given
  • 89 Kudos received

User Activity

Is there a way to make a WF Step only show up quarterly? We want to create a form for the BS Flux but it should be completed at Day 10 vs all of our other forms need to be completed on Day 7 so we were thinking to seperate the 2. We would only want t...
I need to be able to write a confirmation rule that checks for nodata vs a value of zero. Can someone help with the syntax I have this - Dim cellstatus As DataCellStatus = api.Data.GetDataCell("Cb#CimpressConsol:P#TotCimpress:C#Local:S#Actual:V#YTD:A...
We have many small controllerships that have to back each other up so they have access to submit and approve/post a journal but we need to be able to prevent them form posting their own journal. This is an audit requirement
Hi All - Every time I upgrade OS I have 4-5 people that when they launch the OS shortcut it does not auto update. They have to reinstall. It seems to be the same people each time but I cant see anything special about them. Has anyone run into this an...
I have a data adapter that calls a BR that calls one of the IC methods (I thinned it down here) but what I run the data adapter I get the error that the datatable already belongs to another dataset. Any help on what that means and how to resolve? Pub...