ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Drillback from a GridView ThanksMikeG,this is what I was thinking as well. We do already have the database connection set up. I'm very familiar with the mechanics of the Balance Sheet drill-to-detail example you mentioned...Drillback from a GridView If I have a dashboard gridview of Stage table data, is it possible to execute a drillback to a source system directly from the gridview? Re: Separate Application for Consolidation and Planning The primary reason I've had for separate applications (not separate environments) as mentioned was the need for a separate Time dimension in each application. For example, you plan at a weekly level,...Re: Possible to override USD value on a USD Entity so that C#Local != C#USD? Thanks Nicolas. That confirms what I suspected was going on. Yes, we can move some of these calcs over to datatyping dimension that we have already set up in the cube. Possible to override USD value on a USD Entity so that C#Local != C#USD? Hi All- we have a situation where we are receiving two separate ledgers, one in Local currency and one in USD. The USD ledger includes adjustment and revaluation effects on several accounts in addi...Re: Passing OS Version Number as a Dashboard Parameter This is exactly what I needed. Thank you. Passing OS Version Number as a Dashboard Parameter I'm trying to create a Dashboard parameter that has the OS Version number of the application. I would have thought that something like Dim osVersion As String = OneStream.Shared.Common.GeneralString...Solved