Remove the Word "Blueprint"
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 457. See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" This information is part of the "Instruction Guide" that comes with the Tax Provision Blueprint app as Appendix D. Remove the Word Blueprint We now refer to this app as the Tax Provision Blueprint. This section shows you all the places where we have added in the word “Blueprint” so that you can remove it in your application. Here is an overview where the word “Blueprint” appears: Dashboard: 0_Frame_TXP Dashboard Maintenance Group: Tax Provision OnePlace (TXP) Dashboard: OnePlace_TXP Dashboard Profiles: Tax Provision (TXP) Parameter: ListOfGroupsHP_new_TXP Parameter: HelpAboutSolutionTitle_TXPH Cubes: XFW_TXP / Description Label: lbl_TitleMain3_TXP The above label is used in the following dashboard. If you remove this component, you will need to adjust the “Grid Layout Type” for the number of rows from “8” to “7”. Currently, it is laid out as follows:Dashboard Objects and Associated Parameters
Attached is a one tab Excel file that lists all the dashboards, with all the dashboard components and their associated parameters. This can be helpful to see where specific DB objects / parameters are used throughout our dashboards. Filtering has been turned on for the columns to assist with this activity.Schedules & Reports - PPT Help Files
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 171. Schedule Help Files Each schedule has a PPT help file attached to it. You can access the help file by clicking on the question mark in the upper right-hand corner of the dashboard (the last object in the toolbar). The purpose of these help files is to provide some information on the specific schedule and possible guidance on how to complete the schedule. These help files are completely customizable for each implementation. Here is an example using Schedule 05. Click on the question mark: A PowerPoint (PPT) file then opens: The PPT files that are attached to each Schedule / Form dashboard can be found in the Files section in the Dashboard Maintenance Unit. They can be downloaded, updated for client specific information, and then uploaded back into the Files section. The PPT help files are located at the bottom of the folder. To modify a PPT help file, select a file, then on the right hand pane, select the download file icon. Modify the PPT help file, then click on the upload file icon. We have several KB articles where we have zipped up all the files for easy access rather than manually downloading each file individually. Please see the following KB articles to download the "zip" file. See KB article: "PPT Help Files - Schedules (1 of 3)" See KB article: "PPT Help Files - Schedules (2 of 3)" See KB article: "PPT Help Files - Schedules (3 of 3)" See KB article: "PPT Help Files - Reports (1 of 2)" See KB article: "PPT Help Files - Reports (2 of 2)"DM 45 FC – Copy Actual Periods
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 212. See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" See KB article: "Data Integration" Dashboard DM 45 FC – Copy Actual Periods This schedule is only for Forecast scenarios and is only used on the GLTaxAdmin workflow for country level workflows (i.e.: US Local: Copy data). Select a base level entity or a parent entity. The copy/clear BR’s will run for all base level entities for that entity selected. Select the source scenario where you want the data to come from. In the toolbar, you will see: the destination scenario based on your workflow POV the number of periods that will be copied – this is based on the destination scenario’s Text 2 field There is only one section to this schedule. The Data Copy Steps You can execute each step individually or for all steps at once. A date and time stamp (including the source scenario) are added for informational purposes for each step after the copy BR executes. The data and time stamps are removed when a “Clear” is executed.DM 40 Admin FC – Set the Opening Scenario
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 208. See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" See KB article: "Data Integration" Dashboard DM 40 Admin FC – Set the Opening Scenario This schedule is only for Forecast scenarios and is only used on the GLTaxAdmin workflow. You use this schedule to tell the BR’s where the opening balances should be pulled from. Any “blank” cells will default to the “TXP_Actual” scenario. Click in the white cell to reveal a list of scenarios. Select one and save. The parameter used to populate this list is called “SourceFCSTScenarios_TXP”. You may need to adjust this parameter based on your specific application.DM 45 Admin FC – Copy Actual Periods
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 210. See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" See KB article: "Data Integration" Dashboard DM 45 Admin FC – Copy Actual Periods This schedule is only for Forecast scenarios and is only used on the GLTaxAdmin workflow for “All Entities: Copy Definitions”. Select a base level entity or a parent entity. The copy/clear BR’s will run for all base level entities for that entity selected. Select the source scenario where you want the data to come from. In the toolbar, you will see: the destination scenario based on your workflow POV. the number of periods that will be copied – this is based on the destination scenario’s Text 2 field. There are two sections to this schedule. The Initialize Steps The Data Copy Steps The “Admin” version of this schedule includes the ability to execute the “Initialize Steps”. You can execute each step individually or for all steps for each section. A date and time stamp (including the source scenario) are added for informational purposes for each step after the copy BR executes. The data and time stamps are removed when a “Clear” is executed.Dashboard DM – Copy Forecast Periods
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 208. See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" See KB article: "Data Integration" See KB article: "Dashboards" Dashboard DM – Copy Forecast Periods When copying data from National to National or National to Local Jurisdictions the logic is mostly the same as for the copying of data in the Actuals scenario TXP_Actual. For example, DM 10aAdmin FC that copies National to National Group Filer Provision data follows the same steps as noted above for DM 10a Admin. These are the differences in the forecast scenarios: Forecast scenario BR's copy / clear multiple periods based on the No Input Periods. Data will be copied for all periods > the No Input Period. From the drop-down box on the POV, select the forecast copy period to display in the cube view. Data can be viewed as YTD or Periodic.Debugging a Dashboard
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 445. See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" In order to better understand how a dashboard is setup, set the “0_Frame_...” dashboard to “Set Selected Dashboard As Default”. Next, run the dashboard from the same icon. Make sure you have a valid workflow POV. You can now click on any “red triangle”, and it will highlight the dashboard component. Next, you can click on the “Edit Component” icon, and it will take you to the component in the Dashboard Maintenance Unit. If you populate the POV in the toolbar (make sure you also have a valid workflow POV), you can then hover over each parameter, and it will show you all the members that each parameter represents. If there are two of the same parameters; the first one represents what is in the toolbar area and the second represents what is in the data explorer cube view. These should always be the same. If they are different, then further investigation is required. This is a great way to make sure that all the parameters are working properly. This can alleviate the option of using “write to the error log” syntax in the business rules (i.e.: brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,”Enter something here”)).Workflow Forms/Schedule Notes
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 406. See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" Workflow Forms/Schedule Notes Workflow Forms are the Tax Schedules that are used to follow the flow of the Tax Provision Blueprint data and calculations. Below are notes related to the overall design of the Forms. Dashboard Toolbar Most Forms will have the following Dashboard Toolbar displayed or a subset of these POV combo boxes: The available selection items in the combo boxes in this Dashboard Toolbar may vary depending upon the workflow type and group filing status. For example, when you are working in a workflow that does not have group filing, the Group Filer (GF) parameter will be set to ‘None’. These pre-populated combo boxes reduce the incidence of user error within the system. Please review Troubleshooting the Schedules should any of the schedules not display as expected. Main POV: Entity (Entity) Jurisdiction (UD1) Group Filer (UD7) Workflow Type: Entity Entity: Entity or entities assigned to the Workflow Jurisdiction: Available UD1 (Jurisdiction) members may include national and local jurisdictions Group Filer (GF): Group filing status: No -> UD7 member None Group filing status: Yes -> UD7 member(s) may be parent group filer, group filer or filer members Workflow type: Group Filer (NatGroupFiler or LocalGroupFiler); Group filing status: Yes Entity: The filer entities (either national or local) designated as “Filer” based on the Entity Text 7 property NatFiler=Yes or LocalFiler=Yes. Jurisdiction: UD1 (Jurisdiction) members may include national and / or local jurisdictions and will depend on the group filing definitions. Group Filer (GF): UD7 member(s) populated based on the entity and jurisdiction and the group filing definition. See UD7 Group Filing for additional information. Parent group filer: aggregation of group filer and filer members Group filer: the same member as the entity filer Filer members: entity members that are included in the tax provision group filing for a specific entity Secondary POV: Source: Select the Reporting data member (UD3). Source is the main member (for example GAAP). Source – Adjustment allows for adjustments to the Source data (for example, when starting with GAAP (Source)) and adding Adjustments (Source – Adjustments) to get to Total GAAP (Total Source: aggregation of Source + Source – Adjustments). Jurisdiction Type: This is also referred to as the Tax Type (UD4). It is automatically populated with either TXP_National or TXP_Local depending on the Jurisdiction selected (UD1). No Input Periods: Applies to forecast scenarios only. This is the number of periods where the user cannot manually modify the data. In the above example, January (M1) – August (M8) will not allow input. Data for those periods will most likely be populated from the Actual scenario by the administrator. Data in periods September (M9) – December (M12) can be modified by the user. Currency: Either Local or USD may be selected where USD will be view-only data, except for those entities with USD as the currency. Show Curr Code: Either Yes or No. Yes, means the entity currency code will be displayed next to each amount. Data Decimal Places: Select the number of decimals to display, either no decimals or 2 decimals. Percent Decimal Places: Select the number of decimal places to display for percentages, range is 1-9 decimals. Refresh Data Icon: Once you have selected all of the POV options, click on the Refresh Data icon to render the schedule. Schedule Help File: Click on the question mark icon at the far right of the Dashboard Toolbar to view a PPT file that contains instructions on how to complete the schedule or notes about the schedule. Form Layout For most of the schedules, the suppress no data rows has been turned on. Use the Row Suppression icon to adjust the suppressed rows. Calc Status is displayed in one of the top rows of most Forms. This will help to indicate when data has changed and a Calculate or Force Calculate is required. Where possible, the column/row descriptions include if the data is coming from or going to another schedule. A green box around the cell indicates “to” data and a blue box around the cell indicates “from” data. A purple box around the cell indicates combined “from / to” data (primarily in the forecast scenarios). A gray box around the cell indicates that the data in the schedule should equal another data cell in the same schedule. Where rows or columns are specific to Local Jurisdictions, and in some cases are specific to the National Jurisdiction, these row or column headers will have a blue text color. They will not appear when the other Jurisdiction (National/Local) is selected. They are suppressed when not necessary. Rows or columns with purple text indicate a “Discrete” item.Dashboards
The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 168. See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100" See KB article: "Data Integration" See KB article: "Dashboard DM – Copy Forecast Periods" Dashboards Dashboards are used extensively to render the schedules/forms as well as the Home Page reporting options. Overview Most of the dashboards are constructed in the same manner. A top dashboard (0_Frame…), a toolbar dashboard (1_Toolbar…), a content which is the cube view (2_Content…) and some may have an information line (3_Info…). So, there are usually two/three main components to each schedule. Let’s look at schedule 05 – Current Provision. Here is what the final output looks like: In the Dashboard Maintenance Units, here are the dashboards that make up schedule 05. The top dashboard (0_Frame…) holds the other embedded dashboards. The toolbar dashboard will hold the objects such as the POV combo boxes, labels and the help file specific to that dashboard. The content dashboard will hold the cube view. The info dashboard will hold a label that indicates to the user if Linked CV’s are available on the main CV. This label is either fixed or contains a parameter that executes a dynamic BR to evaluate the National/Local JD and determines if the information message should be displayed or not. With the introduction of the “Refresh Data” button, a generic dashboard was created to hold a label. This generic dashboard is used on all dashboards that require the refresh data button. Here is what the label says: Here is what it looks like in a schedule: The 0_Frame… dashboard is then attached to the Form template as follows: Schedule Help Files Each schedule has a PPT help file attached to it. You can access the help file by clicking on the question mark in the upper right-hand corner of the dashboard (the last object in the toolbar). The purpose of these help files is to provide some information on the specific schedule and possible guidance on how to complete the schedule. These help files are completely customizable for each implementation. Here is an example using Schedule 05. Click on the question mark: A PowerPoint (PPT) file then opens: The PPT files that are attached to each Schedule / Form dashboard can be found in the Files section in the Dashboard Maintenance Unit. They can be downloaded, updated for client specific information, and then uploaded back into the Files section. Here is a sample screenshot of some of the PPT files. Used the “Upload File” and “Download File” icons. Miscellaneous The Instruction banners that we had in a previous release of Tax Provision Blueprint have been removed and the information has been added to the individual schedule help files (available by clicking on the question mark – upper right-hand corner of the schedule). By removing this banner, we are saving screen real-estate for other information and makes the schedule less busy. We have just removed the embedded reference to the 3_Info… dashboard. It can be easily put back in an implementation if needed or wanted. All objects remain in the DMU. All new dashboards in this release of Tax Provision Blueprint will not have the instruction banner objects. Here are some screen shots before the Instruction banner removal.