4 years agoContributor II
Account dimension member "In Use" property
Account dimension member "In Use" property (Vary by Scenario Type and Time) set to Scenario Type = "Control" and Time to "2022M2", Stored value "False"
However when I try to grab the InUse value via a BR it always returns "True"
Dim varyByScenarioTypeId As Integer = ScenarioDimHelper.GetIdFromName(si, "ActCon")
Dim varyByTimeId As Integer = TimeDimHelper.GetIdFromName("2022M2")
Dim boolInUse As Boolean = BRApi.Finance.Account.InUse(si, memberId, varyByScenarioTypeId, varyByTimeId)
But works fine if I set the Scenario Type = "Actual" or "Budget". Doesn't work if Scenario Type = "Control"
Any ideas?
Looks like you might be grabbing the Scenario ID instead of the ScenarioType ID. Try this for the scenario type ID:
Dim scenarioTypeId As Integer = api.Scenario.GetScenarioType(scenarioId).Id