Forum Discussion

bjornliow's avatar
New Contributor III
3 years ago

Stuck on Cancelling Task

I ran an import which was stuck on parsing data, I clicked on Cancel Task, but it has been stuck on 'Cancelling By User' task status for over an hour.

Any solutions to cancel the task? I am unable to rerun the task as it is still "running"

4 Replies

  • You have to recycle the server(s) to kill/stop the stuck process. It can be done using system diagnostics dashboard.

    Choose recycle type as Force -> click on the recycle button.



    Please give Kudos and mark the answer as accepted solution if it resolves your query.

    • RK's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hi there,

      Seems there is no 'recycle' feature in the last OSD version SV202 dated 03-Aug-2023.

      Does anybody know how to perform server recycle in that case?

      • RK's avatar
        New Contributor

        Have found this is the standard feature in the Desktop app.


  • We had a similar situation where it would stop on Assigned. We could clear it with recycle. However, still don't know what would cause it to hang on Assigned then eventually fail? It times out and never goes to the "Running" state. It just fails after a certain amount of time.