3 years agoNew Contributor
can we test if Workflow Channel is locked in a BR before taking requested action?
I need to test if a workflow channel is locked in a BR before performing the BR actions. Can I test if the channel is locked? How?
You can get the status of a workflow.
Dim wfClusterPk As WorkflowUnitClusterPk = BRAPi.Workflow.General.GetWorkflowUnitClusterPk(si, "Workflow name", "ScenarioNAme", "timeName") 'Complete the IMPORT-VALIDATE-LOAD-PROCESS Workflow Steps 'Get the Workflow info so that we can determine which steps can be executed. Dim wfInfo As WorkflowInfo = BRApi.Workflow.Status.GetWorkflowStatus(si, wfClusterPk, True)