3 years agoContributor II
Enter Text Value from dashboard and read in BR
I want to read a text value from dashboard in finance business rule.
I tried attaching a parameter to text box component and then read that parameter in the code but that is not working.
I've done this with the JournalsEventHandler, because there's no native place to store a reject reason and pas sit to the email notification. The dashboard I created has a text box bound to a literal value parameter. It also has a button that takes the text box value and updates the parameter using a Solution Helper in a Dashboard Extender rule.
If (args.FunctionName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("Set_Reject_Reason")) Then Dim setReason As String = args.NameValuePairs.XFGetValue("Reason") BRApi.Dashboards.Parameters.SetLiteralParameterValue(si, False, "SU_PAram_LV_Reject_Reason", setReason) End If
The extensibility rule then picks up this value using the following code:
Dim RejectReason As String = BRApi.Dashboards.Parameters.GetLiteralParameterValue( _ dbConnApp.SI, False, "SU_PAram_LV_Reject_Reason")