Hey Manuel,
I don't think there's something out-of-the-box that does all of this. You'll have to play with the app tables.
Here's a sample I have you could leverage to create one that fits your needs:
SELECT 'Cube View' AS ObjectType, Name, Description FROM CubeViewItem UNION ALL
SELECT 'Business Rule' AS ObjectType, Name, '' AS Description FROM BusinessRule UNION ALL
SELECT 'Confirm Rules' AS ObjectType, RuleName AS Name, '' AS Description FROM ConfirmRules UNION ALL
SELECT 'Dimension Member' AS ObjectType, Member.Name As Name, Dim.Name AS Description FROM Member JOIN Dim ON Member.dimId=Dim.dimId UNION ALL
SELECT 'Transformation Rules' AS ObjectType, StageRuleGroups.RuleGroupName As Name, '' As Description FROM StageRuleGroups