Interactive prompt
Hi all,
it is pretty straight forward in an dashboard extender rule to return a message box to be displayed to the user in the dashboard (like the picture below).
The question I have is: is it possible to prompt the user with what I would call an interactive prompt, a prompt having a Yes and No buttons for example, and for the dashboard extender rule code to store the result of the selection for use in the rule code itself?
This would be useful when displaying a warning for example. We could prompt the user with the warning and then ask if they still want to proceed or not.
Thank you
Yes, its possible but will require building out a custom dashboard that displays when triggered. Many marketplace solutions have examples of this (example is in People Planning, Thing Planning, Capital planning, etc). When you click on any of the buttons on the top of those solutions tool bars, such as the delete register 'X' button, you will see a dashboard display. This allows you to entirely customize the look and feel of the prompt.