Forum Discussion

AndreaF's avatar
Contributor III
2 years ago

Loading CSV containing special characters to an application table

Hi all, I have a dashboard with an SQL table editor component. Through the component in the dashboard, I can save text to the table, including special characters. For example, there is no problem in saving a string containing α (alpha).


Now I am trying to load a CSV file to that same table. The file contains some special characters too. To load the file, I have built a business rule which contains the following command:

loadResults = BRApi.Utilities.LoadCustomTableUsingDelimitedFile(si, SourceDataOriginTypes.FromFileUpload, filePath, fileinfo.XFFile.ContentFileBytes, "|", "App", "LOAD_TABLE", "Merge", lfieldtokens, True)


The special characters are not recognised, and this is the result when loading TestNameαβπ.


Is there a way to load the CSV file and preserve the special characters?

  • Thank you. As I suspected, it's an encoding issue. The file is UTF-8, whereas OneStream largely reasons in UTF-16 (traditional default in Windows/.Net world). There are two ways to fix this, as far as I can see:

    • just convert the file to UTF-16 before uploading it, for example with Notepad++, or
    • turn the file bytes back to string and then from there to UTF-16 bytes using the Encoding classes.

    Here's some (untested) code that should send you in the right direction:


    ' at the top
    Imports System.Text
    ' get the encodings we need
    Dim utf8 As Encoding = encoding.UTF8
    Dim utf16 As Encoding = Encoding.Unicode
    ' turn original bytes into String ...
    Dim text As String = utf8.GetString(fileinfo.XFFile.ContentFileBytes)
    ' ... and from there to UTF16 bytes
    Dim toUpload As Byte() = utf16.GetBytes(text)
    ' upload utf16 bytes
    BRApi.Utilities.LoadCustomTableUsingDelimitedFile(si, _
    	SourceDataOriginTypes.FromFileUpload, filePath, _
    	toUpload, _
    	"|", "App", "LOAD_TABLE", "Merge", lfieldtokens, True)






  • JackLacava's avatar
    Community Manager

    I expect that will depend on the encoding of the original file. Can you upload the sample file you're using, so I can run a few tests?

    • JackLacava's avatar
      Community Manager

      Thank you. As I suspected, it's an encoding issue. The file is UTF-8, whereas OneStream largely reasons in UTF-16 (traditional default in Windows/.Net world). There are two ways to fix this, as far as I can see:

      • just convert the file to UTF-16 before uploading it, for example with Notepad++, or
      • turn the file bytes back to string and then from there to UTF-16 bytes using the Encoding classes.

      Here's some (untested) code that should send you in the right direction:


      ' at the top
      Imports System.Text
      ' get the encodings we need
      Dim utf8 As Encoding = encoding.UTF8
      Dim utf16 As Encoding = Encoding.Unicode
      ' turn original bytes into String ...
      Dim text As String = utf8.GetString(fileinfo.XFFile.ContentFileBytes)
      ' ... and from there to UTF16 bytes
      Dim toUpload As Byte() = utf16.GetBytes(text)
      ' upload utf16 bytes
      BRApi.Utilities.LoadCustomTableUsingDelimitedFile(si, _
      	SourceDataOriginTypes.FromFileUpload, filePath, _
      	toUpload, _
      	"|", "App", "LOAD_TABLE", "Merge", lfieldtokens, True)