Forum Discussion

Rayan_Zeriri's avatar
New Contributor II
5 months ago

Executing a data management sequence that we chose from a combo box in a dashboard

Hi Everyone,

I am actually trying to make a dashboard that let users execute different sequences from data management without accessing the Application tab so i am using a dashboard with a combo box that lets you choose the step you want  and a button to execute it.
The problem is that i don't know how to send to the button the sequence i chose from the combo box and how to make so that the button can execute any sequence i chose without preparing the parameters in advance like we do in the data management tab where we run then choose parameters we need.

I already linked a parameter containing the list of steps to populate the combo box but i don't know how to send the selected step to the button to run it.

Thank you.

  • Hi Rayan: a few pointers for you:

    1) "The problem is that i don't know how to send to the button the sequence"

    • In the Button Settings, under Action > Server Task, you will set:
    • Selection Changed Server Task: Execute Data Management Sequence
    • Selection Changed Server Task Arguments: the generic format is {YourDataMgmtSequenceName}{Param1=[MyValue1], Param2=[MyValue2]}

    2) "I already linked a parameter containing the list of steps to populate the combo box but i don't know how to send the selected step to the button to run it."

    • Replace the generic server task arguments with your parameter's value
    • Selection Changed Server Task Arguments: now becomes {|!YourParameterThatControlsTheDMSequence!|}{Param1=[MyValue1], Param2=[MyValue2]}

    3) "how to make so that the button can execute any sequence i chose without preparing the parameters in advance like we do in the data management tab where we run then choose parameters we need."

    • This is the harder part. OneStream cannot read your mind so you'll need to tell it what parameters it should be using in the DM step.
    • This means the DM step needs to have parameters in use.
    • And you need parameters on your dashboard that can be passed to the DM job
    • Focusing in on the last part of the Selection Changed Server Task, you'll need to have a way to set these:
      • {DMParameter1=[|!DashboardParameter1!|], DMParameter2=[|!DashboardParameter2!|]}

    Hope that's enough to get your moving in the right direction.  Cheers,   -db


  • db_pdx's avatar
    Valued Contributor

    Hi Rayan: a few pointers for you:

    1) "The problem is that i don't know how to send to the button the sequence"

    • In the Button Settings, under Action > Server Task, you will set:
    • Selection Changed Server Task: Execute Data Management Sequence
    • Selection Changed Server Task Arguments: the generic format is {YourDataMgmtSequenceName}{Param1=[MyValue1], Param2=[MyValue2]}

    2) "I already linked a parameter containing the list of steps to populate the combo box but i don't know how to send the selected step to the button to run it."

    • Replace the generic server task arguments with your parameter's value
    • Selection Changed Server Task Arguments: now becomes {|!YourParameterThatControlsTheDMSequence!|}{Param1=[MyValue1], Param2=[MyValue2]}

    3) "how to make so that the button can execute any sequence i chose without preparing the parameters in advance like we do in the data management tab where we run then choose parameters we need."

    • This is the harder part. OneStream cannot read your mind so you'll need to tell it what parameters it should be using in the DM step.
    • This means the DM step needs to have parameters in use.
    • And you need parameters on your dashboard that can be passed to the DM job
    • Focusing in on the last part of the Selection Changed Server Task, you'll need to have a way to set these:
      • {DMParameter1=[|!DashboardParameter1!|], DMParameter2=[|!DashboardParameter2!|]}

    Hope that's enough to get your moving in the right direction.  Cheers,   -db


    • Rayan_Zeriri's avatar
      New Contributor II


      Thank you for your quick reply, it was really benefic so i will forget about executing directly from the combo box and put each function in a separate dashboard with combo box for parameters.
      i just have a little prblm, i followed your instructions {YourDataMgmtSequenceName}{Param1=[MyValue1]} in my button action but i have an invalid parameter error but when i change [MyValue1] by the actual value it works but [MyValue1] should be correct because i assigned it to a label and that value changes when i chose a different combo box option so its fine so thats why i don't see the problem if you could please guide me.

      Thank you !

      • db_pdx's avatar
        Valued Contributor

        Can you share the exact text of the arguments on your button? That might help diagnose what is not working.

        Else, to reiterate the format it should be:

        •  DMParameter1 = the parameter used in the Data Mgmt Sequence definition
        • |!DashboardParameter1!| = the parameter used in the combo that makes the selection