Seeking Community Expertise: Metadata Extraction from OneStream

New Contributor

Hello OneStream Community,


I hope this message finds you well. I am reaching out to tap into the collective expertise of the community regarding metadata extraction from OneStream. Your insights and experiences on this topic would be invaluable.


  1. Process and Tools: What process and tools have you found effective for extracting metadata from OneStream? Are there any specific approaches, techniques, or best practices that have yielded successful results in your organization?
  2. Alation Software Integration: Has anyone in the community utilized Alation Software for metadata extraction from OneStream? If so, we would greatly appreciate hearing about your experience with integrating Alation and extracting metadata from OneStream. How well did Alation cater to your organization's requirements and enhance your metadata extraction capabilities?
  3. Connectors, APIs, and Custom Solutions: Can you provide specific details on any available connectors, APIs, or custom solutions that enable metadata extraction from OneStream? We are particularly interested in understanding the level of integration offered and any associated benefits or considerations.
  4. Permissions and Security: For those who have successfully extracted metadata from OneStream, could you share insights on the use of service accounts with read metadata authorization? How did you handle permissions and address security considerations during the extraction process?


We greatly value your input and firsthand experiences in expanding our knowledge of data extracts and metadata extraction from OneStream. Your contributions will not only benefit our organization but also assist others in the community who may be exploring similar endeavors.


Thank you in advance for your time and expertise. Your willingness to share insights and methodologies is truly appreciated.


Best regards,

Eve Pereira


Honored Contributor

Hi Eve,

That's... a lot of stuff 😅 Most users here probably won't have the time to write this sort of essay for free.

You might have better luck with answers, on OneCommunity, if you try to do the following:

  • Focus on one subject per post. Here there are at least 4 (arguably more, as Connectors are different from Apis to extract data etc). People won't reply if they feel they don't have all the answers, so make it easier for them to help you.
  • Try to be a bit specific, and show you've done a bit of homework. For example, instead of "what do you use to extract metadata?", you could say "I've seen that you can extract metadata using X, but I fear it could be slow / something might happen, is that your experience?".
  • Don't flood the forums in one go. Ask something, wait for replies, then ask something else. Again, this makes it easier for people to find time to reply in smaller chunks, and might also reduce the need for further questions, as various topics might become clearer with each answer.
  • If you mention third-parties, provide links.

Following these strategies should improve chances that you'll get your answers and have a good time around here.

Good luck!

New Contributor

Hi Jack,

Thank you for your suggestions! I'm new to OneCommunity and still finding my way around. I appreciate your advice on focusing on one subject per post, being specific, and not flooding the forums. I'll make sure to follow those strategies to improve my chances of getting helpful answers. Providing links to relevant third-party information is also a great idea. Thanks again for your guidance!


