How to Setup the Tax Provision Blueprint app in a Dev Environment (Step 2)
After you have completed Step 1: KB article "How to Import the Tax Provision Blueprint app in a Dev Environment (Step 1), you are now ready to update metadata and adjust some configurations to meet your specific application requirements.
The following is a summary of the topics to be considered. Please see the attached Word doc. for more detail (the doc. is still being put together).
(1) Update Metadata
- Update the imported scenarios XFW_TXP_Scenarios. Delete what is not required.
- Update the imported Flows XFW_TXP_Flows.
- Update UD1 (Jurisdictions) XFW_TXP_UD1: Remove countries & jurisdictions you are not using. Add countries & jurisdictions that are missing.
- Update UD2 (Data Type) XFW_TXP_UD2.
- Update the imported Accounts XFW_TXP_Accounts.
Please see the KB article "Dimension Member Names - Renaming and Deleting". This will show you which dimension members can be renamed or deleted.
(2) Update Cube Views
- Update Cube Views for the new accounts - specifically for Sch 02, 05, 06 and all the associated row templates.
- Update Cube Views for the any new UD2 members - specifically for Sch 07.
(3) Update Parameters
- Review and update the following parameters:
- Tax_BaseLevelTimePeriods_TXP
- WFYearBasePeriods_ML_TXP
- TimeZone_Footer_TXP
- SourceFCSTScenarios_TXP
- FCSTScenarios_Sch1f_TXP
- Select_Report_Scenario_TXP
- Select_Report_FCSTScenario_TXP
- Tax_Countries_NoBase_TXP
- Tax_Entities_NatGF_TXP
- Tax_Entities_noNatGF_TXP
- UD7_Sch05c_NatGF_TXP
(4) FX Rates
- Enter in all the appropriate FX rates.
(5) Update the Schedule / Report PPT Help Files
- Each schedule and report has an associated PPT help file (click on the ? icon) that should be reviewed and updated to be client/application specific.
(6) Confirmation Rules
- Review the Confirmation rules. Delete, update, rename and/or create new ones as necessary.
(7) Security
- Create security groups and attach them to the appropriate dimension members.
Updated 12 months ago
Version 15.0