11-08-2023 08:02 AM
I have a Custom Calc rule called by a data management step and I am experiencing a weird behaviour. I know there is data in Actual 2023M6, and I can get that data when running the data management step from either Actual 2023M12 or MF7 (name of another scenario) 2023M6, changing the GetDataBufferUsingFormula appropriately, but not from MF7 2023M12. I'll post the details below.
Solved! Go to Solution.
11-08-2023 09:31 AM
The problem is not GetDataBufferUsingFormula, but FilterMembers. The first argument to FilterMembers is creating a buffer starting from the DataUnit currently being evaluated; the arguments after that are just filtering that buffer. So as it sees T#2023M6, FilterMembers builds you a buffer from DataUnit Cb#Main:E#RU0452:C#Local:S#M7:T#2023M6; by the time your clause to filter on S#Actual is considered, you already have a buffer *containing only records from S#M7*, so you filter them all out and you get an empty buffer.
If you want to override multiple DataUnit members, you have to do it in the first clause of FilterMembers, e.g. FilterMembers(T#2023M6:S#Actual, ...).
11-08-2023 08:04 AM - edited 11-08-2023 08:06 AM
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.Common
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Linq
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports OneStream.Finance.Database
Imports OneStream.Finance.Engine
Imports OneStream.Shared.Common
Imports OneStream.Shared.Database
Imports OneStream.Shared.Engine
Imports OneStream.Shared.Wcf
Imports OneStream.Stage.Database
Imports OneStream.Stage.Engine
Namespace OneStream.BusinessRule.Finance.MF_Copy
Public Class MainClass
Public Function Main(ByVal si As SessionInfo, ByVal globals As BRGlobals, ByVal api As FinanceRulesApi, ByVal args As FinanceRulesArgs) As Object
Dim bLogEnabled As Boolean = True 'Change to true only in development for logging values
Dim strLogName As String = Me.GetType.Namespace 'Uniquely identifies where the log is coming from, no change required. Get the name from the current namespace for identification of log entry
Dim sbLogMessage As New System.Text.StringBuilder 'Holds the log - use appendline to add to the logstring
sbLogMessage.appendline ("*** Log ***") 'Header for easy finding log entries
Select Case api.FunctionType
Case Is = FinanceFunctionType.CustomCalculate
If args.CustomCalculateArgs.FunctionName.XFEqualsIgnoreCase("CopyETC_Actual_Test") Then
sbLogMessage.appendline ("CopyETC_Actual_Test")
sbLogMessage.appendline ("POV:" & api.Pov.Entity.Name & "_" & api.Pov.Scenario.Name & "_" & api.Pov.Time.Name)
'Run for base Entities and local currency only
If ((Not api.Entity.HasChildren()) And (api.Cons.IsLocalCurrencyforEntity())) Then
'Copy data
'Dim databuffer As DataBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula("FilterMembers(T#2023M6,S#Actual,A#AC890000.Base,F#None,U1#PR999998.Base,U1#None,U2#EQ0599.Base,U2#None,U3#None,U4#None,U5#Tot_Reporting.Base,U6#None,U7#None,U8#Actual)",,False)
'Dim databuffer As DataBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula("FilterMembers(S#Actual,A#AC890000.Base,F#None,U1#PR999998.Base,U1#None,U2#EQ0599.Base,U2#None,U3#None,U4#None,U5#Tot_Reporting.Base,U6#None,U7#None,U8#Actual)",,False)
Dim databuffer As DataBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula("FilterMembers(T#2023M6,A#AC890000.Base,F#None,U1#PR999998.Base,U1#None,U2#EQ0599.Base,U2#None,U3#None,U4#None,U5#Tot_Reporting.Base,U6#None,U7#None,U8#Actual)",,False)
If Not databuffer Is Nothing Then
For Each SourceCell As databuffercell In databuffer.DataBufferCells.Values
If Not SourceCell Is Nothing And SourceCell.CellAmount <> 0 Then
Dim sSourceMemberscript As String = sourcecell.DataBufferCellPk.GetMemberScript(api)
sbLogMessage.AppendLine("CalculatedCell: " & sSourceMemberscript)
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Select
If bLogEnabled Then brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si,strLogName,sbLogMessage.ToString)
Return Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ErrorHandler.LogWrite(si, New XFException(si, ex))
End Try
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
This is the finance rule with the test custom calc. The code is used for testing and it prints out in the error log the combinations found by the getdatabufferusingformula.
11-08-2023 08:10 AM
Now, I have a data management step, here run from Actual 2023M12.
The getdatabufferusingformula, which is pointing to T#2023M6, can get some data.
11-08-2023 08:13 AM
I then change the getdatabufferusingformula to point to S#Actual
Dim databuffer As DataBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula("FilterMembers(S#Actual,A#AC890000.Base,F#None,U1#PR999998.Base,U1#None,U2#EQ0599.Base,U2#None,U3#None,U4#None,U5#Tot_Reporting.Base,U6#None,U7#None,U8#Actual)",,False)
and run the data management step from MF7 2023M6
I get the same data combinations as before
11-08-2023 08:17 AM
However, if I put the 2 things together and change the getdatabufferusingformula to point to S#Actual T#2023M6
Dim databuffer As DataBuffer = api.Data.GetDataBufferUsingFormula("FilterMembers(T#2023M6,S#Actual,A#AC890000.Base,F#None,U1#PR999998.Base,U1#None,U2#EQ0599.Base,U2#None,U3#None,U4#None,U5#Tot_Reporting.Base,U6#None,U7#None,U8#Actual)",,False)
and run the data management step from MF7 2023M12
I get no data
What am I doing wrong? Thank you
11-08-2023 09:31 AM
The problem is not GetDataBufferUsingFormula, but FilterMembers. The first argument to FilterMembers is creating a buffer starting from the DataUnit currently being evaluated; the arguments after that are just filtering that buffer. So as it sees T#2023M6, FilterMembers builds you a buffer from DataUnit Cb#Main:E#RU0452:C#Local:S#M7:T#2023M6; by the time your clause to filter on S#Actual is considered, you already have a buffer *containing only records from S#M7*, so you filter them all out and you get an empty buffer.
If you want to override multiple DataUnit members, you have to do it in the first clause of FilterMembers, e.g. FilterMembers(T#2023M6:S#Actual, ...).
11-08-2023 09:38 AM
Thank you, I have tested it and this solves my issue. I really appreciate you help.