ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsAudit trail for O#Import data Hi, I've been looking into the audit trails for O#Forms and O#Import data. The audit trail for O#Forms data seems to be in good shape, with changes tracked in tables like DataEntryAuditCell and DataE...Locate the Workflow Audit information Hi, this was already asked in an old post, but there was no solution given. Where is the Workflow Audit information (like the one in the picture) stored? For context, I know that Lock Histor...SolvedRe: CubeView rows: Remove member from Tree Hi MarcusH , the 2 expressions - U5#MemberName.TreeDescendantsInclusive.Remove(U5#None) and U5#MemberName.TreeDescendantsInclusive.Remove(None) - are equivalent, they both return the hierarchy with t...CubeView rows: Remove member from Tree Hi all, I have a simple cube view where on the row I have Tree expansions, like the following one: UD5#MemberName.Tree The reason I am using Tree instead of TreeDescendantsInclusive or others is b...SolvedRe: Dashboard to refresh workflow POV after executing data management sequence Thank you KarlT and ckattookaran . Right now my setup is that the button runs a data management sequence, which calls an extensibility rule. I have tried adding the code to the extensibility rule, bu...Re: Dashboard to refresh workflow POV after executing data management sequence Hi EricOsmanski, I'm not changing the Workflow POV right now; I was just asking how to do it. What the button currently does isn't important. Whatever it does, I want the Workflow POV to change when ...Re: Dashboard to refresh workflow POV after executing data management sequence Do you know what are the specific commands that update the workflow POV in this case? Thank you Dashboard to refresh workflow POV after executing data management sequence Hi, I have created a dashboard with a Reset Scenario button. The code behind the button updates the workflow time, wf start time and wf end time of the workflow scenario (there is actually a ...SolvedRe: The Dutiful Dead, or: A Tale Of Mixed DataSets Thank you, the link has been very helpful! I am leaving here an snippet of how I've changed my piece of code from above, in case somebody else want to have fun 😉 Dim ApplicationDt As DataTable 'G...Re: The Dutiful Dead, or: A Tale Of Mixed DataSets Hi, if used in an Extensible rule instead of a Data Set rule, how would I pass the rows from the dataset to a writer? For example, I am currently using this piece of code to export to csv an applica...