ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Syntax for calling a Finance Custom Calculate Service I was able to figure it out (at least partially). You have to call a data management sequence from the button (similar to a standard dashboard). Workspace arguments are passed on data management sequ...Syntax for calling a Finance Custom Calculate Service Hello, I am working in an 8.5 application and want to utilize Finance Custom Calculate services within a dashboard. My service factory is enabled at the Dashboard Maintenance Unit level of detail. I...SolvedRe: Consolidation For the "WorkspaceIdIfNotInName" argument, try using args.PrimaryDashboard.WorkspaceId (unless you need to cross workspaces, in which case you'd have to retrieve a different workspace Id). Then you c...Re: Dynamic Dashboards – Passing Parameters with Repeat Arguments. Thanks, sameburn. I was able to get a similar result to what your blog showed. My issue ended up being specific to the "Default Member Filter" setting. It was still looking up the literal template pa...Re: Dynamic Dashboards – Passing Parameters with Repeat Arguments. Thanks, this is helpful. When trying to replicate your results, I am having trouble passing the ~!Dim!~ template parameter into my XFBR to retrieve the dimension token, as OneStream is interpreting t...Re: Dashboard Parameter Delimited List Although I agree that this could be a good use case for Guided Reporting, the marketplace solution may not be necessary. If you would like more control over the user interface (i.e., want to add addi...Re: Count ZeroDataCells by Account Dimension Member Hi T_Kress , Thanks for the quick reply and suggestion. The "Data Record Analysis" solution was helpful for this. While it took a bit of trial and error, I was able to back into calculated "ZeroDat...Count ZeroDataCells by Account Dimension Member Is there a way to determine the number of data cells by account-type dimension member? In our example, we are reviewing an implemented application with millions of ZeroData cells and are trying to id...SolvedRe: PY dynamic The errors that you are seeing reflect the rule being used as Finance Business Rule instead of an XFBR, I recently replied to this post with an updated version of the business rule (as a finance busi...Re: PY dynamic No worries. The error message is due to the business rule type. You are calculating via a Finance business rule; however, the provided code snippet is for an XFBR. You will obviously need to update t...