ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Updating a OneStream Application Table through Dashboard Extender/SQL Table Editor Hi Henning, I was updating a custom Application table that I created. But I do understand the point of what you are getting at. Re: Rename 500+ members in onestream I just had this use case come up recently. I wrote a business rule that renames members based on a member filter. I needed this rule to rename a number of members with a suffix/prefix due to extens...Re: SIC and ERPConnect standard20.dll Nguyeh1Once you have acquired all the DLL's you will need to create a folder on the SIC Server named 'Referenced Assemblies' and place the dlls there. For reference: 'C:\Program Files\OneStream Soft...SIC ERP Connect Forum Hi all, I recently was going through a V8 upgrade and found that the documentation on ERPConnect with SIC was quite sparse. I hope this post helps anyone who might be struggling as I was a few da...Re: SIC and SAP CreateFunction from ERPConnectStandard20.dll Found the resolution Dim r3Conn As R3Connection = New R3Connection() r3conn.Protocol = ClientProtocol.NWRFC r3Conn.Open() Re: SIC and SAP CreateFunction from ERPConnectStandard20.dll Has anyone ever seen this error message when trying to run a remote business rule through ERPConnect? I installed VisualStudio 2013, and I have the rfclib.dll sitting in System32 path. Unsure where ...Re: Extract Dimension Hierarchy Metadata XML Through DM and Extender BR Where is this MetadataExtract.ExtractXML function coming from? I'm trying to expand on this idea except with all Object Types including dashboards, cube views etc. Is there something similar for th...Re: Import XML to create objects Hey Robb, could you please help me with how to extract specific objects from an application? For example, if I wanted to extract a certain dashboard parameter how would I do this through a business ...Smart Integration Function OneStreamGatewayService Import Does anyone know how to get access to the "OneStreamGatewayService" Import through a Smart Integration Function in OneStream WinApp. I am trying to run remote business rules/ remote queries through ...SolvedRe: How to retrieve data on a selected row from a grid view inside a dashboard by clicking a button Hi Mark where can I download this TXN_HelperQueries Business Rule?