Application Build
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Resolved! Auto Translation Property having junk values

We are having typical issue with Metadata, it's a single currency application. The Auto Translation for Currencies property is Blank and doesn't have any value. But when I check System diagnostics I notice that for all Entities(~12k) this property is...

PrithviK by New Contributor III
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Security on Registers

Is there a way to apply security on the records inside a Register ? For example I have 10 Entities and 10 Workflow Profiles with distributed registers built, Now inside the Registers there is a column for CostCenters. There are around 10-15 CC's. Use...

PrithviK by New Contributor III
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What-If / Sandbox Scenarios?

All,New to OneStream but familiar with other tools in the space. One request recently from a user was for a functionality similar to that of the "Personal Sandbox" capability within IBM TM1 / Planning Analytics. This functionality allowed a user to e...

trx1138 by New Contributor
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