Application Build
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Time profile change to Apr - Mar

Hi,I have created a new time profile with M1 named Apr etc., and updated the month start dates to be 4/1, 5/1 etc. to achieve an Apr - Mar calendar. Note that I created it after I created the cube, then changed the setting on the cube.The workflow sh...

MarkMatson by New Contributor III
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Preventing YTD true up for Attribute Member?

Hi,I've set up Attribute Members in my application. They are using Text fields in my UD3 dimension and the Attribute Members are in my UD6 dimension. For default Text values, it works great. However, if I want to make a time-dependent change, it does...

Adjust Timezone

Source: OneStream Champions Capture.PNG597×540 36.4 KB Our timestamps are way off - anyone know how to adjust the timezone settings? We are on OneStream Cloud 6.5.

sdayringer by New Contributor III
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