Application Build
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Hello all, Hoping you may share some thoughts on this. For the workflow, we have created security groups : 1. for input users (WF_Preparer) assigned to the Workflow steps in the Workflow execution Group 2. review users (WF_Review) assigned on the Wor...

Flipping a Sign

Hello, I just need help flipping a sign on a final report. Here is the data: Here is the report (there is a negative sign in front of the number insert): And here is what my OneStream is showing: I went into transformation rules and flipped the sign ...

wm2_0-1720709501237.png wm2_1-1720709542997.png wm2_2-1720709579956.png wm2_3-1720709618325.png
wm2 by New Contributor
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workflow profile has no active input profile

The Data Cell is read-only because the Parent Workflow Profile 'FR Food HR' has no active Input Profiles for the Workflow Channels that are assigned to the Data Cell's Account and/or UD member. Entity=entityname, Account=Accountname, Origin=Forms.