Knowledge Base Article

Design Assumptions

The following has been taken from the Tax Provision Blueprint "Instruction Guide" starting at page 12.

See KB article: "Tax Provision Blueprint Instruction Guide - PV7.3.0 SV100"

See KB article: "Dimension Member Names - Renaming and Deleting"

See KB article: "Dimension Text Fields - Summary"

Tax Provision Blueprint Design Assumptions

Tax Provision Blueprint has made several assumptions in order for this blueprint to function properly in all sorts of client environments. Below is a list of the key assumptions.


  • The app comes with a pre-defined cube called “XFW_TXP
  • We have used the Standard calendar that is defined monthly from Jan (M1) to Dec (M12).  Your application may use a different calendar and most likely will follow what has been used in the Finance cube/app.
  • For purposes of this document, the Seed year is 2019 and the first tax provision that is calculated is in 2020.

Application Properties:

  • Application Properties are not packaged with the Tax Provision Blueprint app as it could conflict and overwrite existing application properties.

OneStream Dimensions:


  • The app comes with a set of tax scenarios
  • Two actual scenarios are used called “TXP_Actual” (holds Actuals data) and “TXP_ActualRTP” (holds return to provision data).  These scenarios use the scenario type of “Tax”.
  • Several forecast scenarios have been created. These current year Forecast scenarios use the scenario type of “ScenarioType8”.
  • Multi-year forecast scenarios are set up as “ScenarioType7”. This release has not been tested for multi-year forecasts and these scenarios are there for future development.


  • The app comes with a set of test entities.  It is expected that these entities will be removed and replaced with client specific entities.
  • Base entities use             - UD1 Constraint / UD7 Constraint / UD1 Default / Text 7 / Text 8
  • Parent entities use          - UD1 Constraint / UD7 Constraint / Text 7 / Text 8
  • An admin entity called TXP_GLTaxAdmin is required.


  • The app comes with a set of tax accounts
  • Text 1 is used on base and parent members to identify “Discrete” accounts.
  • Text 1 is also used on base members to identify “Losses Not Benefitted”.
  • Alternate hierarchies are used with Aggregation weights.


  • The app comes with a set of tax flow members. 
  • Text 1 is used on base and parent members to identify “Discrete” flows.
  • Alternate hierarchies are used with Aggregation weights.

UD1 (Jurisdictions):

  • The app comes with a set of tax UD1 members. 
  • Text 1 is used on all base and parent UD1 members.
  • Text 2 is used on some base level UD1 National members for countries doing National group filing.
  • Alternate hierarchies are used with Aggregation weights.

UD2 (Data Type):

  • The app comes with a set of tax UD2 members.
  • Alternate hierarchies are used with Aggregation weights.

UD3 (Reporting/Accounting Type):

  • The app comes with a set of tax UD3 members. 

UD4 (Tax Type):

  • The app comes with a set of tax UD4 members.

UD5 and UD6:

  • The UD5 and UD6 dimensions are not used. The default is None. If you use UD5 and/or UD6 or the other dimensions differently than the Tax Provision Blueprint setup, significant updates and testing will be required in all the BR's, CV's, Parameters, Data Management sequences and Dashboards.

UD7 (Group Filing entities):

  • The app comes with a set of tax UD7 members. 
  • Base level and country parent level UD7 members must be the same as the base level and parent level entity members.
  • Only required for countries doing Local and/or National group filing.
  • Minimum required members are: TXP_TopTax / TXP_GFEntities / None when no group filing is used.

UD8 (Dynamic Reporting):

  • The app comes with a set of tax UD8 members.

Cube Views:


  • Schedules (Form templates) are rendered through Dashboards.
  • Several schedules have linked CV’s to get at additional detail (i.e.: the UD7 group filer entity detail).

Business Rules:

  • Most of the Tax Provision Blueprint business rules reside in the main Finance BR called “TXP_BusinessRules”. It is attached to the tax cube (XFW_TXP) as Business Rule 1.


  • Dashboards are used extensively throughout the Tax Provision Blueprint app.
  • All the tax schedules and reports are rendered through a dashboard.


  • The app comes with a set of workflow profiles
  • All entities assigned to a workflow must be in the same tax country (National jurisdiction).
  • Workflow Text 1, 2 and 3 apply to all base level workflows (at the Tax Schedule/Forms workflow and the immediate parent workflow.)
  • The “Adj” base level workflow is not active. This can be adjusted in your application.
  • We have used a workflow suffix naming convention for the different types of workflow profile names. This makes it easier to understand what each type of workflow represents. Examples are:
    • Xxx_LocalGroupFiler
    • Xxx_NatGroupFiler
    • Xxx_LocalGF
    • Xxx_NatPrep
    • Xxx_Nat_LocalGF
    • Xxx_NoLocalGF

Workflow Types:

National Group Filing:

  • Only one National Group Filer workflow is allowed per country. This workflow must end with “NatGroupFiler”.
  • UD7 is used to hold the entities being filed by country. The base level UD7 members must be defined exactly how the entities are defined. No exceptions.

Local Group Filing:

  • Only one Local Group Filer workflow is allowed per country. This workflow must end with “LocalGroupFiler”.
  • UD7 is used to hold the entities being filed by country. The base level UD7 members must be defined exactly how the entities are defined. No exceptions.

Workflow Entity:

  • Multiple workflow filers can be created in a country.

Confirmation Rules:

  • There are a few confirmation rules that are supplied with the app for both Actual and Forecast scenarios. They do not have to be used. They serve as a starting point


  • There is no security setup in the Tax Provision Blueprint app. We only use the two supplied groups called “Everyone” and “Administrators”.

Other Important System Design Information

  • National and/or Local group filing is either “On” or “Off” per country. It cannot be on for some entities/workflows and off for others.
  • All dimension member parents should have the word “Total” somewhere in the description. This will assist with formatting the CV’s.
  • We strongly recommend that you install the Tax Provision Blueprint app as is in a development environment.
  • We have also supplied a supplemental Excel file that shows more detailed setup that is difficult to show and explain in Word. It is strongly recommended to review this file and reference it during your client specific setup. It can be downloaded from the Global Setting dashboard.
  • There is also a supplemental Excel file that shows which dimension members can be deleted or renamed. It can be downloaded from the Global Setting dashboard.


Updated 2 years ago
Version 10.0
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