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subtract the value of one column with another in a CV

Hi Everyone. I want to perform a subtraction of columns 1 and 2, I did it with the code below, but I see that it affects my performance too much, so I would like to know what other option I can do to do something like this without affecting the perfo...

Marco by Contributor II
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Multiple Dimensions in XFD Columns

I'm trying to convert a 5YP forecasting file into an XFD excel import file. Unfortunately the business currently plans by year and 'scenario' (UD5) on the column so it's not as simple as adding the xfd tokens in. This is a simplified example of the p...

BStuart by New Contributor
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Parent Filter in Data Management Step

Hi, I'm having difficulties trying to specify the Parent Filter in the data management step and was wondering if anyone has encounter this before and can suggest a better approach. I'm creating a data management step to trigger custom calculate elimi...

ED by New Contributor
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