Forum Discussion

NickKroppe's avatar
2 years ago

Solution to Update Task Scheduler Start Times to Account for Daylight Savings


This time of year we have the common maintenance point regarding needing to update task scheduler start times to account for daylight savings. It is expected for the platform to not automatically update the task start times to account for daylight savings, thus, this becomes a maintenance point for those companies in states/countries that utilize daylight savings. Until this feature perhaps one day becomes available in the platform, we have a custom solution that will make the maintenance point of this easier for OS administrators. 

You can upload the two files attached in the zip file which will result in uploading an Extender business rule titled "Update_TaskScheduler_StartTimes" and a Data Management job called "Update Task Start Time Daylight Savings".

To use the solution, navigate to the Data Mgmt page and look for the group titled "Task Scheduler Maintenance". Here you will find the Data Mgmt sequence and step you uploaded.

Navigate to the DM step and utilize the Hour Adjustment parameter to push the task start times backwards (-1) or forward (1) one hour. 

Once you are happy with the Data Mgmt step setting, go ahead and run the Update Task Start Time Daylight Savings sequence. The sequence will update the task start time for all tasks in the application.

We recommend testing this in a Development application first. Please perform this at your own risk in a Production application.




  • nwillemse's avatar
    New Contributor

    Hi, has the task scheduler ever been fixed?  So many issues because all the tasks are scheduled in UTC... If so which version?

    • denisefockler's avatar
      New Contributor III

      Agree.  I have the issue twice a year and here is how I currently resolve it.  The morning after the time change I go into Task scheduler, open each recurring task that had a start date prior to the time change, change the start date to the current day and then save the task.  It seems opening the task and updating the start date corrects it.  Of course, it only works if you do it after the time change has occurred.  Something I always look forward to doing twice a year :)

      • nwillemse's avatar
        New Contributor

        There are other issues with the schedular too.  Try scheduling a job that runs every hour from 8am to 8pm CST.  That won't run at all because 8pm is passed midnight UTC and the schedular is confused.  Have to cut off the end time before midnight UTC and then schedule a different job for the hours after midnight.  On top of that you need to schedule as Tuesday through Saturday to have it actually run on Mon-Fri 8pm...hopefully all these issues will be addressed.

    • JackLacava's avatar
      Community Manager

      DISCLAIMER: This post includes forward-looking statements, which should not be relied on for trading or any other purposes, as they do not imply any guarantee of delivery at any point in time.

      Bar dramatic unforeseen events, it will be in the very next release, 8.5.

  • bennovak's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Thank you for starting this thread.  Is anyone aware if there was a change made in any of the newer versions of OneStream where the tasks do adjust automatically for daylights savings time changes?  I assume not, but worth asking.

    • JackLacava's avatar
      Community Manager

      DISCLAIMER: This post includes forward-looking statements, which should not be relied on for trading or any other purposes, as they do not imply any guarantee of delivery at any point in time.

      It's in the very later stages of development, we're currently running the last few tests and if everything goes to plan it will appear very very soon. 🙊

  • BSipes29's avatar
    New Contributor III

    I have the same question as Denise.  I tested in my Dev application and it does move the time on the Task Scheduler.  My tasks show the correct time in Prod on my Task Scheduler (which were setup before the time change this past weekend) and are now running an hour ahead (8:00 am task ran at 9:00 am).

  • denisefockler's avatar
    New Contributor III

    NickKroppe I stumbled across your post here as once again we find ourselves in this predicament - always fun.  Of course I will test this first but I am curious about one item.  Example:  my tasks that are scheduled for 8:30 am and are showing on the task scheduler calendar as 8:30am are kicking off at 9:30 am due to the time change over the weekend.  Therefore, how they look on the calendar is correct but they are just kicking off at a time inconsistent with how they show on the calendar.  Will running the DM jobs you have attached, change how they look on the task scheduler calendar?  I do not want to change the time they are showing as on the calendar.  I just want to sync they time they are kicking off with how they are showing on the calendar.  Does that make sense?

    Thank you


    • JackLacava's avatar
      Community Manager

      I wonder if restarting the system would make them look consistent with when they actually start. I fear the inconsistency might come from something in the presentation layer not picking up that the switchover happened.

    • NickKroppe's avatar

      Hi Denise, I'm not 100% sure to be honest. I would suggest to test the solution in a DEV application first to confirm. Are you able to try running the solution to alter task scheduler times in DEV?

      • denisefockler's avatar
        New Contributor III

        I tested in our Dev environment.  I had some old recurring tasks in there.  It moved them on the calendar.  So, if it was a 6am job, it is now showing at 5am on the calendar.  So, I am not sure I want to do this in Production as my jobs are showing the correct time on the calendar.  I saw Jack's response where I think he is suggesting an IIS reset.  I would probably have to wait until this evening to do that but need to fix the jobs before then.  I think what I did last year was opened each one, changed the time from example:  8am to 9am, saved, and then changed back to 8am.

  • Nou's avatar

    Thank you this is very useful information

  • JackLacava's avatar
    Community Manager

    Nice one, Nick!

    For the curious, the core of the code looks like this:

    Dim dmSchedItem As List(Of DataMgmtScheduleItemEx) = _
    	DataMgmtScheduleWcf.GetScheduledJobs(dbConnFW, dbConnApp, False)
    For Each schedJob As DataMgmtScheduleItemEx In dmSchedItem
    	'adjust the start time based on what the user defines
    	schedJob.DataMgmtScheduleItem.StartTime = _
    	' Function SaveScheduledJob(dbConnFW As DbConnInfo,dbConnApp As DbConnInfo,isNew As TriStateBool)
    	DataMgmtScheduleWcf.SaveScheduledJob( _
    		dbConnFW, dbConnApp, schedJob.DataMgmtScheduleItem, TriStateBool.FalseValue)

    That surfaces an interesting API to DM jobs that can have interesting applications. Cheers!