Combo box multiselect parameter list

New Contributor

I have a dashboard where I created Parameter1 using bound list which is referenced in a combo box. A button then passes the data to the business rule. The issue I am having is that it only recognizes the first selected member and ignores all other selected members. How do you pass a multiselect list from combo box in Dashboard in order to loop through the list?


Pass the parameter inside []. It'll appear as a comma-separated list and if you don't escape using square brackets it'll only show you the first one.

View solution in original post


Honored Contributor

Could you post how you're "passing the data to the business rule", and how the rule actually retrieves it?

I am using a button that executes a data management sequence which passes the parameter to a business rule. In the business rule I set Dim acct As String = args.CustomCalculateArgs.NameValuePairs("Acct"). When testing using brapi.ErrorLog.LogMessage(si, acct) it only writes the first member and not the comma delimited list. How can I get the list of accounts to use in a filter to clear those members api.Data.ClearCalculatedData(True,True,True,True,,,,,,,,,,,,)?

Did you use []s?

Yes, I did and it worked. Thanks!

Pass the parameter inside []. It'll appear as a comma-separated list and if you don't escape using square brackets it'll only show you the first one.

New Contributor III

I have a very similar situation and would like to use the selected parameters directly in a cubeview member filter


Entity     :   E#|!Multiselect_Combobox!| 

As described in the initial post, it only uses the first selected entry. I tried with square brackets [|!...!|] but this did not work. Do I need to use a different notation?

For that case try E#Root.List([|!Multiselect_Combobox!|])

Succeeded to make that work now. The correct way seems to be above solution without the square brackets:


Thanks for the hints!