Application Build
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How to prevent column name from repeating

How can I format this cube view to not display column names after it's been identified once? I want to retain the first instance of the Consolidation member, Local and Elimination (in red) but not have to see it more than once (in purple).

DCarrillo by New Contributor III
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How can I visualize the Intercompany Matching via Workflow. I tried looking in the app but nothing appears. Or how to do the process for an Intercompany Elimination.

Andy66 by New Contributor
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Journals Translation

Hi All, We've recently encountered a problem whereby a OneStream journal entry booked in local currency at year end 2023 is not reflecting correctly in 2024. In the example provided below you'll see that the local currency amount has rolled forward c...

SamKing by New Contributor II
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"empty nester" parents and lingering data

If a member has no parent then it's an orphan but if a parent member had children and they all get moved, the former parent is now... Regardless of the term, this company loves to do big reorgs a couple times a year that leave whole branches of a hie...

photon by Contributor
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